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The Three Outfit Rule Will Make You a Way Smarter Shopper



You may assume that, as a fashion editor, my closet is beautifully organized, filled with gorgeous clothing and accessories I wear all the time. In reality, it is an overstuffed hodge-podge of well-worn favorites, statement pieces I’ve worn once (maybe twice) and trends that came and went faster than I had time to style them. But for 2024, I’ve committed to rediscovering my personal style and overhauling my wardrobe to truly make the most of every single piece. A major part of that overhaul has been sticking to the Three Outfit Rule of shopping and I’ve got to say, it’s had a major impact on my spending habits.

What is the Three Outfit Rule? The rule dictates that you should not purchase any new item—blouse, handbag, shoes, jacket, jeans, etc.—unless you can think of three different ways to wear it using other pieces you already own. That last part is incredibly important, and is what consistently tripped me up when I first starting abiding by the Three Outfit Rule. Of course I could think of three cool outfits to go with that pink stripe button-up shirt…if I also bought a cute gray miniskirt, indigo wash jeans or a matching pink sweater vest. But the key here is to really make the most of the clothing, shoes and accessories you already own by finding new ways to combine them.

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