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The Chippewa Valley Free Clinic promotes World Immunization Week



EAU CLAIRE, Wis. (WEAU) – For 50 years now, World Immunization Week has encouraged people nationwide to get vaccinated and the Chippewa Valley Free Clinic is helping share that locally.

“Just bringing awareness to all of the routine vaccinations that we should be getting. And then also seasonal vaccinations and vaccinations that come with age like RSV,” said Katelyn McClellan, Vaccine Education Coordinator.

Robin Kranig, Director of Clinical Services says this message is important because less people are getting vaccinated nationwide.

“Since the COVID pandemic, actually we saw a decrease in the number of people getting immunized. And that was because of economic reasons and vaccine hesitancy. So for us, the past few years, we’ve wanted to make sure that we get that awareness out there,” said Kranig.

There has also been an increase in some diseases because of the decline in vaccinations.

“We’re starting to see some upticks of diphtheria and measles. Both of those diseases are very rampant. If they’re not treated, you could die from them,” said Kranig.

The Chippewa Valley Free Clinic has increased their immunization rate 63% year over year.

“A lot of what I do is talk to our patients in the waiting room. I’ve also gone out with nursing students from Eau Claire to farms where I’ve talked to migrant farm workers about getting their routine vaccinations that they don’t always have access to. And then I’ve also done a couple of other events,” said McClellan.

The purpose of this week is to help keep the community safe and healthy.

“It’s important to spread the word about vaccinations because they do protect us, but they also protect more vulnerable people that can’t necessarily get vaccinations, like the little kids or other people who just have a variety of reasons why they can’t get vaccinations. So it helps protect them, but it also helps protect you from getting these deadly viruses and diseases that can be prevented,” said McClellan

The free clinic offers vaccines including influenza, HPV, and MMR, among others.

The Chippewa Valley Free Clinic is free for those who qualify.

For more information on what they offer, you can head here.

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