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National Fitness Day: Here’s How Exercising Regularly Benefits Your Mental Health



Here’s How Exercising Regularly Benefits Your Mental Health

National Fitness Day is observed in the US on the first Saturday of May every year. This year, the day will be observed on May 4. The day aims to raise awareness about fitness and its importance in our lives. On this day, people are encouraged to adopt more active and healthy lifestyles. It also sheds light on the importance of exercise in improving overall health.

Fitness is also closely related to mental health and it is not only about your physical health. Exercising regularly is known to enhance your fitness levels, however, it also helps to improve your mental health and well-being. Here, take a look at how exercising regularly benefits your mental health.

Endorphin Release

When you perform some form of physical activity, your body releases hormones called endorphins which act as natural painkillers and helps to uplift your mood. These hormones help to create a feeling of happiness, thereby, helping to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

Stress and Anxiety

Exercise is known to help relieve your stress. It helps reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. Regular physical activity also helps in relaxation by loosening tight muscles and improving sleep quality, both of which can eventually reduce feelings of anxiety and tension.

Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is important for good mental health. Exercising regularly can help to regulate your sleep patterns, making it easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep. Better sleep also helps to improve cognitive function, emotional stability and overall well-being.

Self-Esteem and Confidence

Regular exercise can also help to boost your self-esteem and self-confidence. When you start to meet your fitness goals and see improvements in your physical appearance and abilities, you start to feel more confident in different areas of your life. This helps you to build a more positive self-image.

Cognitive Function

Exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory, attention and concentration. When you perform a physical activity, it increases blood flow to the brain which then stimulates the growth of new brain cells and improves connectivity between neurons. This also improves your cognitive skills and helps gain better mental clarity.

Symptoms of Depression

Exercise can be a good way that help complement therapy and medication in managing symptoms of depression. It helps to increase the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which play crucial roles in regulating mood. Regular physical activity can reduce symptoms of depression and also prevent relapses.

Social Interaction

There are different forms of exercise, such as team sports, group fitness classes and others which give you an opportunity for social interaction and support. Building and maintaining social relations can help you fight feelings of loneliness and isolation, thereby, improving your better mental health.

Stress Management

Engaging in regular exercise can be a good and healthy way to manage stress and cope with the challenges of life. It gives you a constructive way to channel your negative emotions, reduce the intensity of stress and also foster resilience.

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