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Horoscope Today: May 7, 2024



See what the stars have in store for your sign.

Get ready to up your manifesting game because the cosmos is sprinkling some serious magic dust on your hustle, Gemini! Visualise this: You’re the CEO of your own life, and this new moon is your board meeting to plan your next big moves. Whether it’s that dream job or a new passion project, now’s the time to set your intentions and prepare to nurture them with love. The wilderness is an intimidating place, but it’s also the birthplace of new ideas and inspiration. The birthplace of a new *you*, Leo. So, free yourself from the idea of perfection and embrace the virtue of vulnerability instead. The world is a beautiful place that’s yearning to be discovered through the lens of awe and wonder. We have news for you, Taurus: you are so loved and so protected. Your spirit guides are working closely with you to enable you to co-create your best, most magnificent life as you enter the portal of the new moon in your sign. So, begin to curate your thoughts like your social media profile. Focus on intentions that feel joyful—that feel expansive. That said, remember that manifestation is not an overnight process. Like everything else, being consistent is key. This brings us to the most important question: what are you broadcasting into the cosmos today?


So, what does the day ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out. Remember, these are guidance-based soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon, and rising. Pick what resonates with you the most! 

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