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Fitness trainer shares four simple exercises to build bigger, stronger quads



Leg day may feel like a bit of a slog but if you’re serious about your training you won’t miss it. Strong quads are essential for helping you with everyday movement and building a balanced physique (which is going to reduce the likelihood of injury), and they will help your compound lifts soar. Even your upper body ones, like bench press) – so train them you must!

One guy who knows a thing or two about training legs legs is Obi Vincent. Like, have you seen this dude’s quads? They’re big. In a recent Instagram post Obi shared his ‘drumstick leg workout’ that you can do either in a gym, or at home that will help take your pins from sticks to stumps. Don’t worry if you don’t have access to an Olympic barbell like Obi, as a pair of dumbbells will work perfectly.

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