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A business hires a shop cow. He quickly becomes a local celebrity



A business hires a shop cow. He quickly becomes a local celebrity

BANGOR, Maine (WABI/Gray News) – Sometimes when you walk into a business, there may be a store cat or maybe even be a dog. But what about a cow?

The owner of A&G Shooting in Fairfield, Maine, Adam Hendsbee, hired a shop cow last Tuesday.

“He’s the ambassador of good will, I guess,” Hendsbee said. “I didn’t plan on having a cow, but now we have a cow — so what do you do with a cow? You treat it like a dog and you bring it to work.”

Hendsbee said Tuesday is one week on the job for Kade, and he is top-notch at his new position. He said the new employee has certainly caused a stampede into the store.

“He’s a local celebrity,” Hendsbee said.

“People are definitely surprised,” employee Payton Atwood said. “I think the most I hear is, ‘Oh, it’s a goat or a moose or a deer.’ They’re not used to seeing a cow, especially in a gun shop.”

Employees said they are just as star-struck by their furry co-worker.

“He raises spirits; he’s quite a character. He’s awesome for morale,” employee Josh Gilbert said.

“My favorite thing to do is probably sit on the floor and he’ll come and sit right on my lap and chill,” Atwood said.

With several people asking how much Kade costs, Hendsbee said he’s priceless.

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