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5 jobs in Florida in 2024 for which you don’t need to speak English



5 jobs in Florida in 2024 for which you don’t need to speak English

The Hispanic community in the United States is the largest ethnic and racial minority in the country. According to the most recent update from the Census Office, the nation has more than 333 million residents, of which, 63.7 million belong to the Hispanic community, which represents about 19% of the total population.

Regarding language, data from the Pew Research Center suggest that, given that many Hispanics are children of second or third generations, only around 75% of Hispanics in the USA speak Spanish. However, this figure is enough for Spanish to be the most common language, after English, in American homes.

One of the states with the largest Hispanic population, after California and Texas, is Florida. Year after year, thousands of migrants arrive in the Sunshine State in search of better opportunities. Because the Spanish-speaking population is large, more and more employers are offering job openings in which English is not required. Below, we’ll share a few of htem with you.

5 jobs in Florida for which you don’t need to speak English

According to an article in Sólo Dinero, these are five jobs available in Florida that do not require applicants to be able to speak English.

Truck driver

There are fewer and fewer people looking to work as truck drivers, so the need in the industry has practically reduced hiring requirements to only knowing how to drive, being of legal age and have the appropriate driver’s license.


Networks like Univisión and Telemundo have newsrooms and channels 100% in Spanish, focused on the Latin sector, so it is no surprise to see vacancies for people that speak Sapnish.

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Spanish teacher

One of the most common jobs for which English is generally not a requirement is being a Spanish teacher, either in a school or privately, offering classes remotely. The benefits of this job are the adaptability of schedules and, if you are a private teacher, establishing your own hourly rate.


This job does not require a specific language or a high degree of education. Most people who work as locksmiths only require a primary education diploma to start working, since skills are acquired through on the job training.

Call Center

Given the large number of Hispanics, some call centers hire people to answer their lines in Spanish. The main task here is answer incoming calls and respond to emails with excellent customer service.

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