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105-year-old man honored as last living World War II veteran in Calabash



CALABASH, N.C. (WECT) -At 105-years-old, you could say Leo Jarmusz has seen it all.

He’s lived through our nation’s most historic moments, specifically, World War II, and he’s lived to tell the tale.

“I just took life as it was. I did my job. I served my country when I had to,” Jarmusz said.

Jarmusz served with the U.S. Army in 1942, before shipping off to Omaha Beach shortly after the historic D-Day allied invasion in Normandy, France.

“He didn’t get there till two weeks after D-Day. But, it was still a hot zone then,” Michael DiChiara, commander for the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post in Calabash, said.

Now, he’s being celebrated as the last living WWII veteran living in the Town of Calabash.

He’s honored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post for serving our country when it mattered most.

“I think it’s overwhelming. I don’t deserve it. I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel it’s a great honor. I celebrate for my three brothers who all served and for anyone who served,” Jarmusz continued.

“There are 119,000 World War II vets in the United States still alive. He’s ours. Our last. We don’t have another one and that means a lot,” DiChiara said.

Though he may not be able to tell you everything about his service…

“If I did I don’t remember. That was 80 years ago,” Jarmusz laughed.

He won’t hesitate on the secret to a long life:

“Wine, women, and song…and I can’t sing,” Jarmusz said.

It seems humor is also key to a life well lived.

However, for this veteran, his service and his legacy are no laughing matter.

“He’s the last one. He should be celebrated,” DiChiara said.

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